
This song is for someone who feels like all hope is lost, I want to remind you that God is able! Able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ever ask or think. The Creator of the Universe, Name above all names is able to do it, that which you are believing Him to do for you. Be encouraged and keep hope alive! Soon you shall share your testimonies and God’s name shall be glorified in your life. amen!

Listen to His voice

godwhispers_titleslideHello beautiful people, thank you all for following this blog. Thank God for another new month, another opportunity to work towards fulfilling God’s purpose for our lives and for reaching our goals. So, this morning, I was driving and I remembered that I needed to get a backpack at the store. I wanted to postpone it to another day and then the still small voice told me to go get it! I still was struggling to park and get in the store but I eventually stopped and went in. When I got there I noticed the backpacks were on sale, it was usually $9.88 and I got 2 for $2.00. I didn’t believe it when I saw the price but I took it and when to check at the cashier desk to know how much it was. it was actually $1.00, that means I saved over $17.00. Why am I sharing this story? I am sharing this to encourage you to listen to that voice of the Holy Spirit whenever He guides you. We all need to trust His guidance, He knows the end from the beginning and He’s always got our backs. He said, ” you will always HEAR a voice behind you saying this is the way walk ye in it”. Are you trying to make a decision about a thing? trust Him to lead you and be sensitive to His leadings as well.


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